Code of Practice Community College Northern Inland

Code of Practice

Code of Practice

As an RTO, Community College Northern Inland Inc. (CCNI Inc.) has agreed to operate within the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations and undertakes the ASQA self-assessment against these standards annually.

CCNI Inc. will act in accordance with the highest level of industry standards to provide vocational education and training in the field of Leadership and Management. Our code of practice outlines our operational policies, our commitment to our clients and provides qualified and experienced Trainer/Facilitators and Assessors who:

  • Undertake their duties with honesty, objectivity, integrity and diligence;
  • Act professionally and give the highest standards of service to students;
  • Conduct fair, flexible, valid and reliable competency based assessments.

Community College Northern Inland Inc. (CCNI INC.) code of practice:

  • CCNI Inc. recruits students/clients in a responsible and ethical manner based on Access and Equity guidelines;
  • CCNI Inc. treats students fairly, with professional concern for their interests and refers to external advice if necessary;
  • CCNI Inc. delivers, regularly monitors and reviews training and assessment services to ensure the interests and welfare of students are maintained;
  • CCNI Inc. maintains a policy and procedure for handling student complaints and assessment appeals;
  • CCNI Inc. provides an appeals and grievance procedure and opportunities for reassessment;
  • CCNI Inc. provides a suitable learning environment;
  • CCNI Inc. acts in a way that promotes co-operation and effective relations between the people and organisations who are our clients;
  • CCNI Inc. recognises the rights and dignity of students, observing always, the tenets of Anti-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Laws;
  • CCNI Inc. prohibits discrimination in any form;
  • CCNI committed to comply with all Commonwealth, State and Territory regulatory and legislative requirements;
  • CCNI Inc. provides timely and accurate information to government agencies and funding bodies;
  • CCNI Inc. maintains accurate confidential and secure training and financial records;
  • CCNI INC.'s student records are managed securely and confidentially and are available for student access on request;
  • CCNI Inc. observes total discretion and confidentiality in all their dealings;
  • CCNI committed to providing quality training with a focus on industry needs and enhances workplace outcomes;
  • CCNI Inc. values feedback from students, team members, clients and employers as a basis for continuous improvement;
  • CCNI Inc. will endeavour to meet the needs of individual students through the integration of access and equity guidelines in its policies and procedures;
  • CCNI Inc. where necessary, will decide the best methods for those students who require language, literacy and/or numeracy support or reasonable adjustment to assessment;
  • CCNI Inc. undertakes to recognise the qualifications issued by other Registered Training Organisations;
  • CCNI Inc. will maintain a documented process for the recognition of prior learning (RPL) and/ or recognition of current competency (RCC) and ensure that RPL/RCC is offered to all students upon enrolment;
  • CCNI INC.'s course information will ensure all fees and charges are advised before enrolment, course content and assessment procedures are explained and vocational outcomes are outlined;
  • CCNI Inc. has in place appropriate systems to ensure sound financial and administrative practices and safeguards their students' fees until the course is delivered;
  • CCNI Inc. has a refund policy which is fair and equitable;
  • CCNI INC.'s training courses are marketed with integrity, accuracy and professionalism, avoiding vague and ambiguous statements. No false or misleading comparisons are drawn with any other training organisation or course;
  • CCNI Inc. issues Qualifications or Statements of Attainment to students who meet the required outcomes of the courses on CCNI Inc.'s scope of registration, in accordance with all relevant guidelines;
  • CCNI Inc. will honour all guarantees outlined in this Code of Practice, and understands that if it does not meet the obligations of this Code or supporting regulatory requirements, it may have its registration as a Registered Training Organisation withdrawn;
  • CCNI Inc. will take every opportunity to ensure that this Code of Practice is disseminated, understood and valued by all team members, clients and students;
  • CCNI Inc. team members are bound by, and committed to, the implementation of this Code of Practice.