Refund Policy Community College Northern Inland

Refund Policy

Refund Policy

CCNI Inc. protects fees paid in advance and has a fair and reasonable refund policy. All fees paid in advance are protected via sequestered funds held in term deposits to ensure sufficient funds are always available for refund. CCNI Inc. operates predominately as a ‘fee for service’ training business. This means all training programs attract fees. These fees are paid by, or charged to, the client/student, a government agency or the client/student employer.

An application for a refund is addressed according to the notice given by the person making the request:

  • Upon commencement of the course, it is understood and agreed there is no entitlement to any refund of the tuition fees or other charges paid to CCNI Inc. under the Contract and all outstanding payments will be fully paid by the client/student no later than the specified date.
  • No refunds will be available after the course commences.
  • If CCNI or a third party delivering training and assessment on its behalf closes, cancels a course, or ceases to deliver a class it will refund the full fee.
  • A $50 administration fee will be incurred if a student cancels their enrolment 5 business days prior to the course running.
  • If there are unique or extenuating circumstances which prevent attendance, the case will be assessed on an individual basis with approval from the Executive Officer.
  • When a course has been paid for by an employer/job agency, the refund will be returned to the payer or a credit note can be issued depending on the business requirements.
  • If a student withdraws from a Certificate course, a student refund/withdrawal form must be completed. Partial refund may occur depending on the length of the course, number of subjects completed, resources used and the fees received. The final decision will be made in consultation with the Executive Officer.
  • A deferment of face-to-face training sessions is possible provided course fees owing at the time are paid in full. Any deferment must be applied for in writing prior to commencement of the deferment. The granting of the deferment is not automatic and is at the discretion of CCNI Inc. If approved, the deferment needs to be fulfilled within twelve months from enrolment.
  • The student should note the deferment is for face-to-face classes only. The assessment delivery schedule is still expected to be completed within the original 12-month schedule.
  • Refunds in special circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis at the total discretion of CCNI Inc.
  • CCNI Inc. may at its discretion, refund some or all course fees where it determines there are extenuating or compassionate circumstances. Where an incorrect eligibility assessment is made, and course fees have been received by CCNI Inc., a full refund will be issued.

CCNI Inc. reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time to ensure compliance with applicable State and Federal laws.