One-on-one Computer Training - Word or Excel
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Learn to Use Zoom
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BSB30115 Certificate III in Business
- Maintain business resources (BSBADM311)
- Deliver and monitor a service to customers (BSBCUS301)
- Contribute to team effectiveness (BSBFLM312)
- Organise personal work priorities and development (BSBWOR301)
- Work effectively with diversity (BSBDIV301)
- Purchase goods and services (BSBPUR301)
- Process customer complaints (BSBCMM301)
- Apply knowledge of WHS legislation in the workplace (BSBWHS302)
- Design and produce business documents (BSBITU306)
- Organise workplace information (BSBINM301)
- Design and produce spreadsheets (BSBITU314)
- Design and produce digital text documents (BSBITU313)
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Infection Control Skill Set (Transport and Logistics) HLTSS00067
- Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures (HLTINFCOV001)
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Be Connected
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Health & Safety Representative
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Health & Safety Representative Refresher
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Introduction to Excel
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Introduction to the Newspaper Industry
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Introduction to Microsoft Teams
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