Welcome Community College Northern Inland



From the Executive Officer

We are delighted to share with you the latest information about Adult and Community Education in our region. The size and distinctly rural aspect of the Northern Inland area brings unique challenges to the task of providing adult education that responds to the needs of business and industry. Our dedicated staff works with a commitment to overcoming these challenges to provide learning experiences that enrich the lives of thousands of people each year.

As an approved community-based vocational education and training (VET) provider, we are assisted in reaching students in regional and remote communities that experience barriers to training and employment through the NSW Government’s ACE Program and Smart and Skilled funding.

We have a track record delivering our training under these programs in a way we think makes us special. We take the opportunity here to provide a snapshot of the subsidised and supported programs we deliver.

  • training for eligible business people and farmers affected by issues such as pandemic and drought;
  • foundation skills training;
  • programs and support services that help equip people with the language, literacy, numeracy and employability skills required by businesses;
  • training in information technology, business services or foundation skills under the Tech Savvy for Small Business (TSB) program;
  • access to the free Be Connected program for people over 50 who need help to get online and connect using technology;
  • support for eligible students who experience significant barriers to education and employment.

In addition to the range of accredited training we offer to adults, we also help our communities in other ways, through programs like the Narrabri Women’s Shed that support connection through shared activities and informal learning, and the adoption of the Barraba Community News, a locally owned and produced newspaper.

Community College continues to be at the heart of the community, making a positive impact in everything we do. Please get in touch with us if your organisation needs help to address skills shortages, or if you have an interest in partnering with us to bring about positive change.

Alison Heagney
Executive Officer

Mission, Vision and Values

Community College Northern Inland provides innovative education and employment related training programs to meet the needs of our local communities.

The College values are:


  • Consistently meet community needs
  • Communicate regularly providing relevant information
  • Assess the impact of decisions and external factors on our communities
  • Listen, anticipate and act on community needs


  • Strive to continuously improve what we do
  • Share our knowledge to support each other
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to achieve the right outcomes


  • Adhere to professional and ethical standards
  • Respect confidentiality
  • Encourage staff and students and treat them with dignity
  • Accept responsibility for our actions


  • Encourage and implement new ideas
  • Find smart ways to deliver the best results
  • Use our collective experience to seek out solutions to problems
  • Recognise and realise new opportunities