Infection control Skill Set (Health and Community Services) HLTSS00064 Community College Northern Inland

Infection control Skill Set (Health and Community Services) HLTSS00064

Infection control Skill Set (Health and Community Services) HLTSS00064
With this Infection Control Skill Set you will gain the skills and confidence to comply with infection control policies and procedures, specifically COVID-19 infection control. Learn how to ensure the safety of the client and carer by preventing the transmission of infections, and how to correctly use personal protective equipment. Topics covered include:
  • What causes infections?
  • What is the chain of infection and why are some people more susceptible than others?
  • How are infections transmitted?
  • The part personal hygiene plays in infection control, including hand washing and nail care.
  • What are some of the common personal protective equipment used?
  • How to deal with soiled linen and sharps such as syringes?
  • Risk management practices for the worker, the immediate work area and the entire facility.
  • Types of clinical waste, disposal and cleaning systems.


This course is delivered via a blended learning program using a combination of online, personal study and face to face classes. Students:
  • attend a face-to-face session to receive guidance as they complete the online theory component;
  • complete a paper-based assessment in their own time following completion of the online theory;
  • return for a second face-to-face session to complete a simulated practical assessment.

Entry Requirements

  • Students need the language, literacy, numeracy (LLN) and digital technology skills to meet industry requirements.
  • Students who require additional LLN support to successfully undertake the study program may be given assistance at a local level.
  • Students will need access to an internet-connected computer.

Assessments and Course Completion

Students will be assessed using a mix of written knowledge assessments and practical skills demonstrations during face-to-face assessment. A 'competent' outcome in all assessments is required for the qualification to be issued.

Course Resources

Students will be provided with all online learner material and personal protective equipment to complete the unit of study as part of the course fee. Free access to College computers is available by booking with the Campus Coordinator.

Fee Information

This training is subsidised by the NSW Government. You may be eligible for fee free infection control training. For more information about fees or funding contact your local campus to discuss your eligibility.

How To Enrol

Places in this course are subject to availability. Select a class in your nearest campus and click Apply Now. Complete the online Application process and a member of our staff will contact you to help you enrol. If you prefer, drop in to your local campus or phone to get help with the enrolment process.
Assessments are made against units of competency from the Infection control Skill Set HLTSS00064.
  • Comply with infection prevention and control policies and procedures (HLTINF001)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Course testimonials:

  • everything
  • Learned new skills.