New Ways of Thinking Business Community College Northern Inland

New Ways of Thinking Business

New Ways of Thinking Business

If only I knew that when I started this business idea!

It’s a phrase we hear constantly from businesses and farmers. This qualification provides essential support or preparation to ‘be your own boss’ in these challenging times. Learn legal and risk management; legislation and regulatory requirements; how to develop a financial plan and monitor your business performance. This course is suited to existing or new business operators.

Organising your personal work priorities and development

Key questions that we will explore and develop with you:

  • Are your work goals, objective and KPI’s understood?;
  • Assess and prioritise your workload to ensure your tasks are completed on time;
  • What factors affect the achievement of work and how to incorporate contingencies.;
  • How to use business technology effectively to manage and monitor scheduling and completion of tasks.
  • Identify suitability for your (existing or planned) micro business

You will be guided to explore and review your potential and existing business ideas:

Identify or review products and services available from micro and small businesses;

  • Look at what products and services are not available in the existing market and then determine the opportunities for new business based on gaps in available goods and services;
  • Work through a range of sources to gather information about business opportunities that are emerging;
  • Work on the processes to be undertaken by you to be able to provide new products or services.

This course includes the following units of competency:

  • BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development
  • BSBSMB201 Identify suitability for micro-business.

This training will be delivered by Community College Northern Inland Inc. - Registered Training Organisation 90027.

Assessments are made against units of competency.
  • Organise personal work priorities and development (BSBWOR301)
  • Identify suitability for micro business (BSBSMB201)

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.