News - Bingara campus highlights fresh produce
Bingara Campus highlights fresh produce
Bingara Community College promoted its popular Paddock to Plate-style sustainability classes to festival-goers attending street stalls in the town centre on Saturday 6 July. There was plenty of interest from locals curious about how to live a healthier, natural and more sustainable lifestyle with the stall supported by students who have participated in horticulture and hospitality programs in previous terms.
The festival began in 1998 and every year since has celebrated the town’s orange trees planted as a living memorial to Bingara’s fallen in World Wars I and II. The landmark event is kept fresh, innovative and attractive each year with new initiatives and the announcement of a new theme.
The Bingara community is well known for its forward thinking in agriculture and education. Anyone interested in sustainability and hands-on gardening is encouraged to call in to the college at 6 Riddell Street in Bingara to talk to campus coordinator Tina Simpson about the latest horticultural classes on offer.
Photograph: Bingara Community College promotes sustainability and a healthy, natural lifestyle through its ongoing horticultural classes. Pictured (from right) are Tina Simpson (Bingara Campus Coordinator) and Steve Bigg (Trainer/Assessor) manning the college street stall at the recent Orange Festival.