Next Steps - Women Returning to Work

Women returning to work or training

Next Steps – Women returning to work or training

  • Women at all stages of their working life are welcome to join our Next Steps program.

    For anyone starting out, re-entering the workforce or simply looking for a career change, this course will help you to define your career and life aspirations and develop your goals.

    Learn how to set realistic action plans to achieve those goals, develop skills to apply for your next job, and fine-tune the general life skills you’ll need to navigate the world of work.

    This is a toolkit developed especially for you to help you radiate the self-confidence you need to succeed!

  • This course is FREE for eligible students. Contact your local campus for details.

    We understand how daunting it is to go back to work after a break! As a woman returnee, the Next Steps program offers you guidance to re-enter the workforce and find a suitable role.

    We are building an entire community for you. This is a place where you can connect with mentors, advisors, get tips and above all, get the support you need. We hope you will tap into the college community, participate in our conversations and our events.