Results for
Lifestyle and Leisure
CJO Photography: Photography Workshop

CJO Photography: Photography Workshop

Join us for a fun photography workshop. This course focuses on using your camera on manual mode, what the buttons are for and the exposure triangle. Things to Bring: DSLR Camera, charger and accessories Camera Manual Notebook and Pen Lunch. [More]

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Be Connected - Health My Way

Be Connected - Health My Way

An estimated 4 million people in Australia have limited digital skills and interest, but 22 million Australians now have an online summary of their health information on My Health Record. If you’re one of the 4 million Australians who need support to manage their health online, then this course is for you! This free workshop will help you sign into Health My Way and provide you with safe sites to research topics relating to diabetes, quitting smoking, diet, fitness and more. Come... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Flower Arranging

Flower Arranging

Have you ever wanted to know how the florists get those gorgeous flower arrangements? Well why not come and try your hand at this yourself, you never know there may be a hidden florist in you. In our floral workshops you’ll have fun learning to create flower arrangements in a hands on way. You’ll be up to your elbows in flowers before you know it. Attendees learn skills to help them bring interesting colours together with our native flowers and arrange their own beautiful flower... [More]

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Belly Dancing/Yoga

Belly Dancing/Yoga

Belly dancing can strengthen a woman's self-confidence and promote creativity and self-expression. Women find in belly dancing a way to express their own voices and feelings. So do you need to just get some wiggling happening or maybe some jiggling? Lets put it all together and do some wiggling, jiggling and heaps and heaps of giggling. Then we shall slow it down with some gentle stretching with wonderful yoga techniques. Yoga is an exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility... [More]

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Get Digital

Get Digital

How are you managing in the new digital norm? With the uptake of digital services like telehealth appointments, and a reliance on technology to stay safe and socially connected it's clear there's an increased need for all Australians to improve their digital literacy. Some digital interactions, like COVID-Safe and Contactless Check-in are now standard in local shops, businesses and organisations everywhere. Government agencies are encouraging everyone to do business through myGov... [More]

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Cured Meat Making Workshop

Cured Meat Making Workshop

Learn how to make Gourmet Ham, Salami, Capicola and Gourmet Sausages the Icelandic way with Siggi and Gustaf! Get ready to learn how to smoke meat, the easy way, and by making it yourself you get the best meat – you cannot beat the flavour! Ingredients and equipment for the workshop are supplied and you’ll enjoy morning tea, a light lunch, and take home the goodies you make on the day as well! [More]

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Drum Lampshade Making Workshop - 40cm kit

Drum Lampshade Making Workshop - 40cm kit

Learn how to make your owndrum lampshade or pendant light, choosing from two sizes to choose – 40cm or 20cm Design your own to match your upholstery, curtains or room theme. At the end of the session, you will have a completed lampshade for your own home. Bring along your choice of fabric (100cm x 30cm) for your own personal touch – a light to medium weight cotton is best, not a heavy upholstery fabric. If you wish to purchase the covering fabric, an additional $15 is required,... [More]

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Macramé Workshop

Macramé Workshop

Create beautiful macramé pieces at this workshop. This French knotted craft has been around for centuries, and made a comeback in the 70s and is popular again. Our “Strings of Love” teacher will show you some basic knots which are used as the basis of most macramé pieces. You will create a beautiful piece to take home with you. [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.

Photo Fun

Photo Fun

A fun hands-on photographic workshop to help you to take better photos. Bring your camera! This class is held in Wee Waa over two sessions. 1. Get to know your camera What are all the buttons and knobs? How do I clean my camera? What settings do I use? 2. Photography basics Learn to take some photos and have some fun! Facilitator: Marsella Morris [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.



Remaining socially connected to others in your community has never been more important. Research has shown that social connections not only impact your mental health, but your physical health as well. Bingara’s Needlecraft group presents the perfect opportunity to take part in a regular get-together with like-minded people who wish to share their friendship and skills. If you are interested in Needlecraft then come along and join our sessions. There is a small annual joining fee of... [More]

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.